Hello there!*

Who I Am And What All This Is

Chances are if you’re finding yourself here you’ve run into one my various creative endeavours, but my digital persona is fragmented and scattered across the aether, so here’s the entire deal. That’s also something of the point behind creating the Dispatch – having some place where it all comes together, where I can be found without needing one of the various other lenses through which I am perceived.

Hi! I’m Seamus Conneely. I can be found, if you’re careful and the stars are right, somewhere within the Greater Boston Area, living with an amazing wife and two children who are already far too smart for me. I get to eat food by being a union laborer, but most of what could have brought you here is probably tabletop roleplaying games-related.

I write about roleplaying games on Cannibal Halfling Gaming (hence the name of the Dispatch), an ENnie-nominated TTRPG blog with a podcast on the side. Co-founded with Aaron Marks in late 2016, the mission statement of CHG has been to ‘bring games and gamers’ together, and we’ve sought to do that by publishing reviews, advice, theory, news, and material for use in your own games.

Over the years I found myself writing for games, which included contributing to Raging Swan Press’ large catalogue of setting dressing and a besieged adventure for Pulp! from Beer Star Games. Most notably, I was part of the design and writing team for the bestselling Transit: The Spaceship RPG from Fiddleback Productions, and have since informally been at the forefront for its supplements like Advanced Programming.

Finally, I’ve taken to writing entire games like Lost Among The Starlit Wreckage, a 1-2 player journaling/storytelling game of war, loss, hope, and reflection from the cockpit of a deteriorating giant robot! This branch of things is the newest aspect of my efforts by far, so it’s sprinkled with a few self-published supplements for other games to stretch the muscles and keep my hand in the game.

So what are you going to find here, specifically, in the Dispatch? Well, I’d like to keep people appraised of what I’m up to, particularly for the latter two aspects as CHG takes care of itself through its own avenues. Ideas for what I want to work on, progress reports for same, release announcements as they come, theory-crafting on why I did what. Speaking of CHG, there are sometimes things that interest me on a personal level that don’t, quite, make the CHG cut. The Dispatch could end up being a home for them.

With all of that up above, and what with fatherhood and living through a plague happening more or less within the same timeframe, I’ve had a pretty full plate. Still, there was a time when I read an awful lot, or engaged with other forms of media, and as I drag some semblance of stability back into my life I’d like to spend some time talking about those as well.

It’s going to be pretty chill around here (there’s still that pretty-full plate, after all), maybe one or two posts a month, but I hope to have fun and hope you find something that interests you!

Until you catch the next Dispatch,



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